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Guadagnate più punti compiendo diverse azioni e trasformateli in fantastici premi.

Ottenete più punti completando le missioni

I miei premi
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Spendere i punti premio è facile. Basta scambiare i punti con un codice sconto da utilizzare alla cassa.

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Domande frequenti

Esplorate questa sezione per trovare risposte esaurienti a tutte le vostre domande sul nostro Rewards Club.

After signing into your account, visit the "My Points & Rewards" section on the Rewards Club page. There, you can exchange your points for a discount code to use at checkout.

After signing into your account, visit the "My Points & Rewards" section on the Rewards Club page. There, you can view your current points balance and transaction history.

Yes, if you return an item, the points you earned from that purchase will be deducted from your account.

Points do not expire as long as you make a purchase within a 12-month period. Points may expire if there is no activity on your account for 12 months.

You can currently use only one discount per transaction.

Yes, our loyal international customers can earn rewards too! Our rewards club is open to all our customers worldwide.

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